
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Breaking Rules

Yesterday I had an epiphany.

I was over at (in)courage reading this blog post. And as I pondered the author's question about what in life I am making harder than it needs to be, it hit me:

Self imposed rules that are self defeating should be broken.

This deeply resonates with many areas of my life. But the first thing that came to my mind was my self imposed rule about writing.

I wrote here on this blog ONCE in 2012. Why? Because I had imposed this unspoken rule on myself that if I couldn't write regularly, if I couldn't pen a post and double, triple edit to make sure it met my ideal literary and grammatical standards, then I shouldn't write at all. And I couldn't do those things in 2012. With the (unexpected) blessing of baby boy #3 (third boy in three and a half years) I just didn't have the time to blog like I wanted to...and I still don't.

But then it hit me. When I started this blog almost three years ago I named it Moments....from Becky Keife. My heart in starting it was to celebrate the moments that make up the journey. I didn't call it "Exhaustive Reflections on Life" or "Every Detail in My Days" or "Moments in Perfect Words", just moments.

And I have missed writing. Missed sharing the little pieces of my story that God puts on my heart to share. Because sharing is not only an encouragement to those who read (I hope) but it encourages me. Makes me more mindful, more thankful of God's hand in my life and fingerprints on my days.

So here I am to say that I will no longer let my own rule defeat me. 

More moments to come...