
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Magical and Three

From the first moment I held him, he filled my life with new joy.

Elias Michael, my second son, was born three years ago today. And just like that first moment, my life as his mama has been marked by smiles...not because I have to, but because I can't help but to.

Not only is Elias sweet and smiley. He is also super silly, deliciously dirty, and full of affection.

Like all small kiddos, Eli has his moments of being moody, whiny, grumpy, and defiant. But overall, he really has the most tender, loving spirit. He loves to give kisses and cuddles, he loves to talk, explore, and accomplish new things.

But the one word Chris and I use most often to describe our terrific toddler is magical

It may sound strange, but it's the only word we've come up with to explain this intangible quality that Elias has that makes him so very special. Magical embodies how adorable, coy, flirty, innocent, naive, honest, vulnerable, and pure of heart he is.  

Magical is what gives us, his mom and dad,  an insatiable desire to hug and kiss and squeeze up all his scrumptiousness in awe and love and delight, regardless of how well or poorly he's behaving. His low raspy voice, his piercing eyes, his creamy cheeks, and gleeful grin---magical!

So Happy Birthday to my favorite three year old! I love you, Elias Michael! 

You ARE magical. 

And I am so very blessed that you are mine.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Present

I’ve actually been thinking about this a lot lately…

To be present in the present is a present.

Tongue twister?


In other words, to be mentally and emotionally engaged in the moment at hand is a gift.

A gift to my children, my husband, myself, my God. A gift I don’t always remember to give.

Sometimes I’m too caught up in the past. Dwelling on mistakes or wishing for past pleasures. Sometimes I’m too fixed on the future. Waiting for what is to come, either in dread or anxious excitement.

Sometimes I’m even too focused on trying to capture the present moment that I forget to just be present in it. Quick get the camera and document this adorable memory before it’s gone, I think. And while I love photos and videos of my amazing little boy crew…would I remember each gaze, antic, or milestone even better if I just soaked it all in, savored every second as it unfolded before me, around me, within me? 

I think of Jude’s laugh. There is nothing like it. Sometimes it rumbles from his little belly. Other times rattles in his throat or snorts out his tiny nose. But every time it’s the sound of joy. Of being fully present, fully engaged in the moment. Whether it’s birthed from my silly game of buzzing bumble bee while changing his diaper, or peek-a-boo behind the door frame at Daddy when I get him after a long afternoon nap. There is nowhere else Jude would rather be in those moments. And try as I may I can never capture the true essence of his gleeful giggle on film.

I just have to be present to enjoy the beautiful present of the present.

*     *     *

12 Jul 2013

Five Minute Friday: Present

“Writing is like wrapping yourself in words and giving yourself away.” ~@lisajobaker {click to tweet}

This is where a brave and beautiful bunch gather every week to find out what comes out when we all spend five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing ‘em over here.
- See more at:
12 Jul 2013

Five Minute Friday: Present

“Writing is like wrapping yourself in words and giving yourself away.” ~@lisajobaker {click to tweet}

This is where a brave and beautiful bunch gather every week to find out what comes out when we all spend five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing ‘em over here.
- See more at:
Come check out what other writers are saying about Present in their five minutes of unedited writing! And then set your timer and join in the writing fun, too.
Five Minute Friday
12 Jul 2013

Five Minute Friday: Present

“Writing is like wrapping yourself in words and giving yourself away.” ~@lisajobaker {click to tweet}

This is where a brave and beautiful bunch gather every week to find out what comes out when we all spend five minutes writing on the same topic and then sharing ‘em over here.
- See more at:

Friday, July 5, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Beautiful

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, they say.

Sometimes clichés are cheesy. Sometimes they are true.

I remember coming across a picture several years ago that left me captivated. It was inspiring. Tender. Heartfelt. It was beautiful.

I was so taken by this picture that I set it as my desktop background at work, during my pre-kid days as a full-time editor. I felt blessed to glance up and see this visual masterpiece throughout my day.

But not everyone thought it was beautiful.

In fact, one dear coworker shrieked in startle and disgust when she turned from her nearby workstation and saw this.

My friend saw venous wrinkles, sagging skin, and bulging knuckles.

I saw a different picture. 

The story behind each wrinkle. Surely years of struggle and faith behind every line. And like the wedding ring on her aged finger, I saw a life marked by commitment and devotion, not only to her husband but to her Lord. 

I couldn’t see her face but I could see her heart.  I couldn’t pick her out of a line up but I wanted my life to look like hers. Beautiful.

*     *     * 

My linking up again for Five Minute Friday! Come join this beautiful community of hundreds bloggers in the creative gift of writing for five minutes just for the joy of writing.
Five Minute Friday

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

More than...

Tears. Happy tears. 

I just read this post by Lisa-Jo called When they ask what you did today.

I'm not sure why the water wells in my eyes. I guess I feel stirred. Comforted that I'm not alone. Moved that someone else understands and is brave and beautiful enough to say it to herself, to me, to all of us.

Thanks, Lisa-Jo, for reminding me that I am more than a dish-washer, butt-wiper, meal-maker, fort-fixer, floor-sweeper, and milk machine!! 

I am hero. I am mama. All by God’s strength. His alone.