
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Chicken-Trimming, Cookie-Baking Love

As I stood in my kitchen tonight, trimming the fat off a huge eight pound pack of chicken breasts from Costco, I was keenly aware of what a great act of love I was performing. Now, great may seem like too strong a word. But the thing is, my husbands hates touching and smelling raw chicken, but he also hates any trace of fat, vein, or sinew. So I have taken on the role of Official Chicken Trimmer for the past 4 and 1/2 years of our marriage--a title I will likely hold for the duration.

Over the years I have often thought about renegotiating the division of labor when it comes to this less-than-pleasant task (and admittedly have not always wielded my fat-cutting cutlery with the happiest of hearts.) But several poultry packages ago I made the decision to stop guilt-tripping my husband over this issue, and instead seize the opportunity once or twice a month to love him through this fairly simple act of service.

So this got me else can I purpose to love Chris in tangible, yet perhaps not quite so obvious ways? And better yet, how is my husband loving me? Chicken trimming doesn't scream romance, but for me it has love written all over it. So are there acts of love Chris is doing that I'm missing because they're masquerading as something else?

I'm happy to report that, yes, there are many ways my "wonderbul" husband loved me well this week! I didn't get flowers or a candle-lit bubble bath, but here are a few ways love came to me incognito:
  1. He swept, swiffered, then hand-mopped all the floors so I wouldn't have to bend over with my prego belly.
  2. He rented a movie in the romantic comedy genre (without me asking) because he knew I would like it.
  3. He hosed down all the patio furniture to eliminate the threat of lurking spiders so we could relax outside and enjoy the beautiful day.
And I'm sure there are many more!

After my chicken-trimming, I decided to continue to the "love fest" and bake chocolate chip cookies at 11 pm so Chris could enjoy a final sweet treat before renewing his healthy-eating-and-exercising commitment tomorrow. Loving feels good.

How have you loved or been loved in a unique way this week?

1 comment:

  1. First off - I hate chicken fat and veins too, so I affirm that it is a work of love to do that for him!

    For me this month, loving Dana has taken on the form of supporting him each weekend when he performs. For him, I think it has come in the form of letting me rest and do nothing on nights when I'm exhausted. For both of us, not complaining has been one of the keys to success!
