
Monday, October 15, 2012

Could Not Imagine

When you're at the end of your rope...
Call out to God.
Because he hears you.
And he will answer.
I know, because he did for me this week.
Big time...

For the last seven days my husband has been in Hawaii with his volleyball team. I've known for months this week was coming. And for months I've been dreading it. Home. Alone. With three kids. Three years old and under. 

These little munchkins, if you don't know them. Noah, 3 1/2, Elias, 2, and Jude, 4 months. 

I love my boys with ALL of me. But these past four months have been hard. Really hard at times. And that's with the loving support of my amazing husband, who is an incredible dad and totally hands-on with the boys when he's home. So if life with three littles is challenging with daddy home most nights for dinner and bedtime and weekend fun, I could only imagine the challenges that lie ahead without him.

But what I could not imagine as Chris' eight-day trip across the Pacific approached was the wonderful and unexpected ways God was going to bless me and provide for me beyond anything I had asked.

I could not imagine that on the second night of Chris' trip God would use a friendly acquaintance from church who has a passion for cooking and heart to serve. Tina showed up at my house with delicious enchiladas and rice so I didn't have to think about what to feed my hungry herd.

You are weary and I see you, whispered God.

I could not imagine that on the third day of Chris' trip my in-laws would pick up Noah and Eli to spend TWO nights at grandma and grandpa's house. I hadn't asked. But their love for the boys and for me moved their hearts to help. Time to work, to clean, to organize, to cuddle my baby, to sit, to be. ALL priceless gifts from Pat and Lelia.

You are burdened and I see you, whispered God.

I could not imagine that on the fourth night of Chris' trip I'd be enjoying the luxurious gift of a 90 minute massage. A phone call from one of my dearest friends...a passing comment about my ongoing back pain...and a soul sister's generous heart to lavish me with love. Thank you, Rachael!

Your load is heavy and I see you, whispered God.

And six months ago when I was looking ahead to this week, I really could not imagine that on days four, five, six, and seven of Chris' trip God would send my sweet friend Alissa all the way from Arizona to love on me and my boys. She cuddled kiddos and changed dirty diapers. She filled our home with the autumnal aroma of pumpkin bread and the tender tones of laughter. She scrubbed my kitchen sink, burped my gassy baby, and entertained all three kidlets while I went away to savor a cup of coffee and time with Jesus. Alissa was the hands and feet and heart of our loving Lord.

Sometimes you feel alone, but I am always with you, he whispered.

In all these unexpected blessings, in all these whispers to my heart, God was shouting: 

You cried out to me and I heard you! 
I see you, Becky. 
And I am with you. 
Because I love you.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Matthew 11:28-30

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,
according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church
and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."
Ephesians 3:20-21

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