
Monday, June 10, 2013

Thank You, Monday

Monday mornings can be rough.

Today. Monday. Yes. Rough.

Little boys waking up grumpy after too much fun jumping the afternoon away in their cousin's birthday party bounce house.

And now before anyone has even gotten out of PJs, there's been bickering and biting, wailing and whining, crying and complaining, ungrateful grumbling, and disgruntled disobedience.

Ever have one of those mornings? A morning when you just want to send everyone back to bed and pull the covers over your own head and not emerge for a really, really long time?

I know my attitude has turned as sour as theirs and I only want summer sweetness...but sometimes don't know how to get there.

"Apart from me you can do nothing." Jesus' words from John 15 broke through.

Ahhh, Jesus.

My joy dwindling, my mood despairing, my words discouraging...I decided to choose Jesus. And in that choosing I saw silly moments sparkling through the Monday muck.

And I chose to give thanks...for the voices that whine are also the ones that say, "I love you, Mommy." And the hands that steal toys from a brother are also the hands that hug him. And the time I don't have alone is the time I am gifted to spend training and being trained by the three little blessings given from God's heart to mine.

It's peaceful for a moment now. The baby sleeps. The big boys turn roots and sticks and avocado seeds into wild treasures and jewels unseen. And we're almost rounding the clock to lunch time and nap time and our favorite time when Daddy comes home.

And I give thanks, too, that Monday mornings don't last forever.
Hello Monday. Thank you for coming. And I'll be thankful when you're gone.

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