It's such a small word. Just one syllable.
For much of my life this small word had a small impact. I heard it in church. I knew the Bible talked about it. But grace stayed in a little box tucked inside a larger box labeled Salvation which I stuffed in the big trunk called Jesus. Grace. I knew it was there. That I was somehow saved by it. That it had something to do with being right with God not because of how good I was but how much he loved us. An idea. A concept without credence.
But now things are different.
God has allowed me to take this small word out of the box I wrongly stuffed it in and has planted it in my heart, poured it all over my life. Now I understand that grace is too big to be boxed. Too powerful to be pinned down. Grace is the very nature of God and fills the very breath of our lives.
Yes, it is by grace that I will someday walk next to Jesus--a reality I can barely wrap my mind around.
But grace is not just for the someday. Grace is for every day. Today is grace. It's every gift, every blessing, every trial he uses to draw me to himself. Grace is little arms wrapped tight around my neck. Grace is tromping on a wilderness trail and seeing one hundred hues of green. Grace is knowing I'm not a bad mom even when I have bad mothering moments. Grace is seeing God fill in the gap for where I lack.
Grace is God's love lavished without limits, without conditions.
Not enough boxes in the world to contain all of Grace.
Today--this moment--a gift of grace. Lavished without limits. Thank you for this reminder, Becky.
ReplyDeleteToday--this moment--a gift of grace. Lavished without limits. Thank you for this reminder, Becky.
ReplyDeleteI love the direction you went with this post. It's crazy how the most amazing aspect of God, his grace, is also the hardest for us to understand. So glad I am covered by his grace. Beautiful reminder.
ReplyDeleteI needed this reminder today!! Very much! His grace.... a beautiful thing! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteYes! Grace IS for everyday...without limits and without conditions. I'm giving thanks for that!! Blessings to you!