
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Thanks for the Burdened Heart

I’ve got a hole in my jeans
And a burden on my heart
But when my path’s uncertain
Giving thanks is where to start

My hot tea is half empty
But my life can be right full
No matter which way I go
If I just give God my whole

My whole heart, my whole will
My whole self in surrender
Then the rips and tears and questions
Won’t be the things I remember

I’ll remember who God is
Who He promises to be
The daily gifts of faithfulness
Will be the landmarks that I see

Thanks for pairs of little hands
Thanks for the road that got me here
Thanks for the One who is enough
Whose love casts out every fear

Thanks for every opportunity
Every chance to trust Him more
For thanks turns into joy
Turns my heart to want Him more

Thanks shows the one I trust
The one whose lead I follow
When my focus stays on Him
There’s no need to waver, wallow

So to you, amazing God,
Whose gifts I hold so dear
I’m giving you this burden
Please make my way quite clear

No matter right or left
No matter valley low or highest peak
I am your listening daughter
I’ll accept your answer. Speak.


  1. What beautiful prayer of surrender. Yes and amen! My heart and soul agree.

  2. No matter right or left
    No matter valley low or highest peak
    I am your listening daughter
    I’ll accept your answer. Speak.

    Thank you for this.

  3. You are such a poet Becky! I've copied this into my journal and I know that you already know that I can completely relate!
