
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

From Desperate Prayers to Abundantly Blessed: God Gift Friendships

I don't even feel like I'm that same girl anymore.

Sometimes it's hard to remember that I was once her. That I spent two years lifting aching prayers for God to give me just one real friend to do life with. That I was that desperate mom always pushing my double stroller alone, always scanning the park playground and library bookshelves for a friendly face to connect with.

Making friends usually wasn't hard for me. I've always had quality women in my life. Women who I love and admire. Women who know my story and I know theirs. But because of life stage or geography, they had been pushed to the periphery.

Now, I needed someone in my inner circle.

I needed a friend who I could make last minute plans with when fresh air and adult conversation were my saving grace to get through the day as mama to three littles. I needed a friend who I didn't have to schedule four months out with to share my heart or drive 45 minutes to see.

I needed a day-in-day-out friend to walk through the ins and outs of motherhood together.

I just needed someone to do life with.

Writing this calls up memory tears from that deep place of longing that was once so real and searing. I cry for that floundering mom I use to be. For that Becky who yearned for meaningful friendships but didn't know how to find them in a new town with two (then three) little boys in tow. For that precious mom who just needed to know she wasn't alone.

And then there are more tears for the ways God has answered those longing-filled prayers.

Answered them abundantly. Answered them with so many beautiful women, soul sisters, do-life-with friends.

Now my heart aches with the blessing. It actually hurts for how deep and wide God's love is for me. How lavishly he has poured out compassion, joy, grace, through unexpected friendships.

I prayed for one.

God provided many...

Desiree: My tell it like it is, purposefully doesn't clean before I bring over my crazy boy crew, brings me coffee creamer and chocolate, faithful friend.  
I'm so thankful God brought us to the same moms group table and knitted our hearts together through miles of sidewalk and countless coffee cups. There's no one I'd rather start my week with. I love you.

Audra: My laugh with, cry with, come as you are, loves me in my strengths and in my mess, soul sister friend.  
I'm so thankful God sat us next to each other on a Sunday morning and gave me the courage to ask for your number. I can't imagine these past three years without you. I love you.

Mindy: My encourager, believer, cheerleader, truth speaker, serves me with dreams and time and words, all is grace friend.  
I'm so thankful God used a writing conference across the country to introduce me to my best friend down the street. You are a divine gift from God to me. I love you.

Elise: Who I have never met face to face, who came into my life from across the web, who I feel like I've known forever, whose heart speaks the same language as mine, my kindred spirit friend.  
I'm so thankful God wove our paths together for such a time as this. Your friendship is from the Lord, a  heavenly answer to a prayer that I thought had already been fulfilled. I love you.

And many more who have been, or continue to be, or are now becoming significant women in my life and friends on the journey. (I hope you know who you are and how much you also mean to me.)

These gorgeous gals are my prayer and play date friends. My call and text, coffee and cookies friends. These women love my kids, which blesses me more than words can hold.

They point me to Jesus, show me how to live by the Spirit, and help me become more of who God created me to be. 

These God-gift friends are pictures of beautiful mess grace. Soul beautiful. Authentic. Nonjudgmental. They are with me and for me. We share cooking tips and vacation books, hugs and tears and knowing looks.

These are my sisters.

My people.

Heavenly Father, thank you for hearing my cries and answering my prayers. Not meagerly but lavishly. Your Word says that every good and perfect gift is from above. These women are your good and perfect gifts to me. My heart overflows with joy and gratitude for the work you have done. Blessed be your name! Amen.

"Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete." 
 -John 16:24


How has God met you in a time of waiting or answered desperate prayers in your life? I'd love to praise Him with you!

Are you in a place of longing for authentic community or a friend to do life with? I'd love to pray for you.


Linking up with Jennifer, Holley, and Barbie. Click over to these beautiful communities to read more encouraging stories.

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Read more about my journey and the power of friendship:

 Five Minute Friday: Encouragement

 A Generation of Esthers

Five Minute Friday: She

Faith Steps


  1. Glad to connect. Thanks for you comment on my site.

  2. Becky! You are not alone because you let us know we are not alone! I'm in tears over this post because I was that same momma you were and I am so blessed by your friendship. You are a constant reminder of how God directs my path to the places He wants me to be in and to the people He wants me to be with. LOVE YOU!!!!

  3. Oh this brings a huge smile to my face. He is so faithful to meet us at the point of our greatest need. And He always gives us more than we hoped or dreamed for. He's so good!

  4. Am not a mom but am going through tough rough and lonely times in my life.i wish God would just lift me up from this.
